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March 10, 2025

XpressBees adopts ESG policy

Express logistics service provider XpressBees has adopted an ESG policy. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is recognized world over as a means to build sustainable, equitable, healthy, and diverse business practices. ESG processes and procedures primarily focus on non-financial performance as an indicator that addresses environmental impact, social safety and inclusion, as well as governance of such practices.
The ESG policy at XpressBees outlines the organizations’ approach towards responsible investment, sustainability, and its impact on society and the environment. Some significant measures such as recycling paper & using recycled paper for corporate artefacts; waste segregation, recycling & responsible disposal; all-employee trainings on preventing occupation health and safety (OHS) risks; and enhancing employment opportunities for local communities have been put in practice already.
Amitava Saha, CEO and CO-Founder, XpressBees said, “Enhancing our sustainability quotient and positive community impact is as important to us as business growth and expansion. The two cannot and must not be decoupled. Implementing ESG empowers us to put this in practice across the country.”
While the focus is on environmental and social criteria, the company is cognizant of the fact that strong governance is a precursor, and indeed is the difference between adopting not just the letter of laws but also their spirit. To facilitate this, the company has also appointed its Head of Security, Loss, Prevention, and Vigilance – Abhinav Mishra, as our Nodal Officer. With his team of ESG champions, Abhinav is determined to grow XpressBees ESG practices and their impact across board.

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