February 2, 2025

UN Day Asia-Pacific Contest 2018


Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) isn’t just the job of the United Nations — everyone from governments, the civil society, communities and individuals all play crucial roles in progressing toward these Goals. Whether its carpooling, saying no to plastic cutlery or working to empower others, the actions taken and choices made daily have an impact on sustainable and inclusive development.

In conjunction with United Nations Day 2018, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is running a regional photo competition themed ‘The SDGs My Way.’

Open to residents of the Asia-Pacific region of all ages, the competition is an opportunity to share the unique perspectives and stories of how individuals and communities are taking action in their own ways to achieve the 17 SDGs.

Submissions for the contest will be judged in four categories:

  1. Judges Favorite Photo
  2. Judges Favorite GIF
  3. Most Popular (Social Media)
  4. Most Popular UN Staff

Winning entries will be awarded prizes worth up to USD$150 each, as well as exhibited at the UN Conference Centre in Bangkok during the UN Day Asia-Pacific commemoration on 24 October 2018. Contest closes on 8 October 2018.

What: Submissions to the 2018 UN Day Asia-Pacific photo and animated GIF contest

Who: Individuals residing in countries in the Asia-Pacific region

When: Submissions open till 8 October 2018

How: All submissions should be sent to escap-scas@un.org and for those interested competing in the Most Popular category, shared on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter using #SDGsMyWay


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