February 2, 2025

Tata Motors addressed 15 out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals


Tata Motors recently released its FY 2017-18 Corporate Social Responsibility Report, highlighting its commitment to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Tata Motors have already addressed 15 of the 17 SDGs, and have demonstrated remarkable progress with some of their latest achievement being the nutrition initiatives undertaken at Jamshedpur.
The Company has made conscious efforts to involve and promote SC/ST communities through their affirmative action programme called ‘Aadhar’.  Around 40% of their CSR efforts are earmarked towards Aadhar initiatives. Currently, Tata Motors have over 6000 SC/ST employees as a part of their workforce and around 34% of the apprentices/ trainees belong to the SC/ST Communities.
In 2017-18, the company has reinforced its initiatives on topics related to Health, Education, Employability and the Environment with concrete achievements measured through different KPIs. Tata Motors positively touched lives of 6,44,000 people across these identified thrust areas.

Highlights on the four pillars of CSR:

1. Health initiative ‘Aarogya’ which aims to curb malnutrition, facilitated availability of clean drinking water to remote communities and provided preventive/ curative health services, covering 2,909 malnourished children and 3,13,303 people for health services.
2. Education initiative ‘Vidyadhanam’ which focuses on improving the academic performance of secondary/college going students, engaged in disbursing scholarships to the needy/ meritorious students, while facilitating them with special coaching classes. Sanctioned 9,612 scholarships and supported 28,078 students with special coaching in FY 2017/18.
Tata Motors initiatives to improve School infrastructure continue to enhance the learning environment for the students.
3. Employability initiative ‘Kaushalya’ which aims to address high rate of unemployment by skilling people in automotive, non-automotive, agricultural & allied trades. The initiative also supports women empowerment by introducing them in traditionally male dominant industries. In the year 2017-18, 12,031 and 3,484 people underwent automotive and non-automotive trainings respectively.
4. Environment initiative ‘Vasundhara’ which promotes environmental consciousness among school students encouraged sapling plantation and distribution of renewable energy products. Outcome – 1,03,746 new saplings planted across locations with 56,161 people covered under environmental awareness program.

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