February 2, 2025

Tata-DHAN Builds Corpus Of Development Mgmt Professionals


TATA-DHAN Academy, the Development Management school, has sought individual and institutional sponsors for the current batch of their students. Any sponsorships provides an able candidate to study the relevant professional course for his upliftment and in turn, that of several others. The Academy has taken a commitment from the sponsored students to work for at least three years in the development sector. The cost to support each student is Rs.2,00,000, including boarding and lodging.

This Academy is the result of partnership between DHAN Foundation and Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT). Started in December 2000 it aims to become a Centre of Excellence in Development Management. The core purposes of the Academy are inducting and grooming fresh as well as experienced graduates as Development Professionals through specially designed programmes, and building capacity of the development practitioners.

The key activities taken up by the Academy are:


  • A two-year post graduate programme in development management (PDM) for building development professionals with high quality techno-managerial competence supported by appropriate motivations, values and attitudes to work with people, particularly the disadvantaged.
  • A number of short duration management development programmes such as Social Development Research Capacity Building (SDRC), Leadership Development (LEAD), Future Search for NGOs, Advanced Reflective Training on upscaling Microfinance (ART), Micro insurance and
  • A two-year post graduate programme in development management (PDM) for building development professionals with high quality techno-managerial competence supported by appropriate motivations, values and attitudes to work with people, particularly the disadvantaged.
  • A number of short duration management development programmes such as Social Development Research Capacity Building (SDRC), Leadership Development (LEAD), Future Search for NGOs, Advanced Reflective Training on upscaling Microfinance (ART), Micro insurance and Development Management Appreciation Programme (DMAP) for the NGO staff, academicians, researchers and government agencies.
  • Researches for generating case studies and teaching materials are coordinated by the Faculty members and supported by Research Associates.
  • ‘Advanced Centre for Skill and Knowledge on Mutual Insurance (ASKMI)’ promoted in the Academy works for advancing the practice of micro insurance; and ‘Advanced Centre for Enabling Disaster Risk Reduction (ACEDRR)’ works on enhancing the knowledge and practice on disaster risk reduction. These centres take up researches, pilot projects, training and education, documentation and publication, networking and consultancy, and policy advocacy in the respective fields.

They are currently running their 25th Batch of Post Graduate Diploma in Management. Students were charged nil for their course and boarding and lodging. DHAN Foundation through its individual donors gets the sponsorship and also the people promoted instituions sponsors the professionals. All the students clearing the course will be placed in the top Development agencies like BAIF, CHAITANYA, PRADHAN and DHAN themselves. Most of the alumnis of the previous batches are well placed in several funding agencies and NGOs.

Note for the individual sponsors

Academy solicits the individual sponsors for the current batch. Each student costs Rs.200000 (Two Lakhs only) including their boarding and lodging. Your sponsorships provides an able candidate to study the relevant professional course for his upliftment and in turn several poor people will be served by these individuals. Academy also gets a commitment to work for at least three years in the development sector. We request the individual and institutional donors to contact Ms.Padmavathy, CEO, Kalanjiam foundation and one of the board member of TATA DHAN Academy for further details.. You can contact her through her mobile no. 9442630046 and you can also reach out her through her mail ID padma.vk@dhan.org


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