वसई-विरार को झोपड़पट्टी मुक्त (Vasai Virar Slum Free) बनाने और झोपड़ी धारकों के जीवन स्तर को ऊंचा उठाने के उद्देश्य से Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) द्वारा पुनर्वसन योजना को प्रभावी रूप से लागू करने की दिशा...
महाराष्ट्र सरकार और दक्षिण कोरियाई कंपनी एचएस ह्युसंग एडवांस्ड मटेरियल्स कॉर्पोरेशन के बीच ₹1,740 करोड़ के निवेश को लेकर समझौता हुआ है। इस मौके पर महाराष्ट्र के मुख्यमंत्री देवेंद्र फडणवीस मौजूद रहे। इस समझौते पर उद्योग...
Election is a very important tool in democracy. It is through election that citizens of a nation choose their representatives and select their leaders....
Election is a very important tool in democracy. It is through election that citizens of a nation choose their representatives and select their leaders....
In a move to ensure inclusivity in democracy’s biggest festival, the Election Commission of India (ECI) is now offering senior citizens aged 85 years...
Election is a very important tool in democracy. It is through election that citizens of a nation choose their representatives and select their leaders....
Election is a very important tool in democracy. It is through election that citizens of a nation choose their representatives, select their leaders. Political...
The Election Commission of India (ECI) on Thursday asked the Government of India to stop sending WhatsApp text messages to citizens seeking their feedback...
Election is a very important tool in democracy. It is through election that citizens of a nation choose their representatives and select their leaders....