वसई-विरार को झोपड़पट्टी मुक्त (Vasai Virar Slum Free) बनाने और झोपड़ी धारकों के जीवन स्तर को ऊंचा उठाने के उद्देश्य से Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) द्वारा पुनर्वसन योजना को प्रभावी रूप से लागू करने की दिशा...
महाराष्ट्र सरकार और दक्षिण कोरियाई कंपनी एचएस ह्युसंग एडवांस्ड मटेरियल्स कॉर्पोरेशन के बीच ₹1,740 करोड़ के निवेश को लेकर समझौता हुआ है। इस मौके पर महाराष्ट्र के मुख्यमंत्री देवेंद्र फडणवीस मौजूद रहे। इस समझौते पर उद्योग...
New Delhi, 25th November 2024: Commemorating its 15th anniversary, The Hans Foundation (THF) has unveiled the Swasthya Cities initiative, a transformative programme aimed at...
New Delhi, India: The VSJ Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Millennium Automation Systems Limited (MASL), formerly MAPL World, took significant steps to enhance healthcare...
Ladakh, India: JCBL Limited, a JCBL Group Company is one of India's leading mobility solution providers specializing in the manufacturing of mobile medical vans,...
The first ever CSR conclave hosted by the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation (MBMC) on Wednesday emphasized on enhancing healthcare infrastructure, education, skill development in...
The Mira-Bhayandar Municipal Corporation (MBMC) is hosting a CSR conclave in Mira Road with a primary focus on boosting Education, Healthcare and sustainability in...
Wayanad, Kerala: In the wake of the devastating landslides that have struck Wayanad, Kerala, Aster DM Healthcare, one of the largest integrated healthcare providers,...
In a meeting with top pharma giants operating in the state, Telangana Health Minister Damodar Rajanarsimha on Monday urged them to provide Corporate Social...
New Delhi, India: EverEnviro Resource Management Pvt. Ltd., India's leading compressed biogas/RNG developer, has launched significant community programs with initiatives focused on ensuring access...