February 2, 2025


India has a rich history of scientific achievements and innovations, and Indians have made significant contributions to various fields of science. Every year, on November 10, the world celebrates World Science Day for Peace and Development....
Pune, India: Today, three out of five people in the world are receiving a vaccine developed by Cyrus Poonawala's Serum Institute. It is because of Poonawalla that India was able to come out of a crisis...

World AIDS Day 2021 – New portal Safe Zindagi launched for HIV testing and prevention

Today, on World AIDS Day, Project ACCELERATE, a programme funded by USAID/PEPFAR and implemented by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, in partnership with...

World AIDS Day 2021: Government Programmes, CSR Initiatives to Tackle HIV/AIDS in India

The world has made significant progress in the development of healthcare infrastructure and facilities. Through research and targeted vaccination programmes, we have managed to...

सीएसआर व सरकार की ये योजनाएं कर रही है एड्स का ख़ात्मा

एड्स को गंभीर बीमारी माना जाता है। एक समय था जब एड्स के नाम से ही लोग घबराते थे और सरकारी अस्पतालों में टेस्ट...

विश्व एड्स दिवस 2020 – सीएसआर रोकता एड्स का प्रसार

भारत में एचआईवी और एड्स के मामले लगातार कम हो रहें हैं, आकड़ों में गिरावट दर्ज की जा रही है, एचआईवी के नए मामले...

AIDS Healthcare Foundation India expands stigma-free healthcare to LGBTQ community

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) inaugurated its Center of Excellence – Anti Retroviral Therapy clinic (ART clinic) in New Delhi. To be known as The...

CSR: Relaying Of Truck Drivers Can Ensure Economic Efficiency

The life of the Indian truck driver is a human life that has been rendered inhuman by years of economic and social abuse. Although...

CSR: The Miserable Lives Of Truck Drivers

Transportation sector is the backbone of the growth and development in Indian Economy. Road transportation contributes to almost 90 per cent of country’s passenger...

Everybody Counts, This World AIDS Day

On December 1, World Health Organisation observes World AIDS Day. This year’s theme compliments the UN Sustainable Development Goals and promotes ‘Right to Health’....

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