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March 10, 2025

Solve Puzzles To Avoid Illness

Prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to health and wellness. With more than 60 million Indians suffering from Mental illnesses as per the WHO report, it is high time we start taking steps to prevent being a victim to the same. This is especially important since the treatment for mental illness is still surrounded by a lot of social stigma.

Along with healthy diet and positive vibes, it is important to perform mental exercises daily in order to keep the brain active. Puzzle solving is the way to go in order to achieve this.

According to a study published in Archives of Neurology, people who kept their brains active by reading, writing, puzzle solving or playing challenging games were a lot less likely to develop  Alzheimer’s disease.

An Autistic kid from California, USA won the national championship in 2017 for speed-cubing. Max Park became the U.S. national champion for solving a Rubik’s cube in an average time of 7.06 seconds. His biggest achievement, according to his parents was development of his social skills which were not so good because of his disease.

There have been several other reports where psychologists, gurus, doctors or individuals have experienced miraculous changes in their mental health because of puzzle solving. Some of them have compared it to meditation, as the activity takes you in trance and forces you to focus on only one thing at a time.

In this race of life, today we barely get time to eat, rest or spend time with our loved ones. With so much work pressure and traffic everywhere, our physical and mental health keeps deteriorating.

According to WHO, India houses 4 million people suffering from Dementia. It has been also estimated that the number might triple by 2050.

The alarm is on, and it is time to wake up from the ignorance. Ignorance might be bliss for now, but not so much in the future. So let us take the preventive measures before falling victim to ailments.

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