We are generally busy in our lives, in our daily routines or even on social media. We are surrounded by too many ‘friends’ who quickly disappear in moments of true despair, when we need help the most. The truth lies in the fact that we can ourselves solve our own problems in a quicker and better way.
To help ourselves in these trying times, mental balance and patience are key. Practicing introspective thinking as well as realistic thinking can help reach a desired solution. Self acceptance, forgiving your own genuine mistakes and living in the present wisely, can help maintain mental peace.
It’s okay to feel bad or stressed at times, feel avoided or neglected, saturated and blocked. If stress is blocking your productivity and joy in life, it’s time to talk about it and find out if you are facing any serious mental health issue or having a normal reaction to stress, both of which can be helped with professional guidance.
We, as multi-tasking people, sometimes experience these symptoms and try to avoid them; that’s when the problem widens. It’s time we see our mind as an important ‘organ’ in our body and consider the much-needed repair as normal as ordinary cough or cold treatment.
Just as you would see a doctor for a physical illness, you can see a close friend, a family member or even a professional in the required field (a psychologist, a psychotherapist, a qualified counsellor) for help. Avoiding these issues or surrendering to alcoholism, drugs, abusive substances instead, is useless since it’s a pretense of pleasure which is short-lived and also detrimental to health. So what are you waiting for? Rise above your weakness and fight stress to stay strong and joyful!
However it’s easier said than done, and so we must take care of our mind on a daily basis. There are many recreational activities that we are aware of, but we must incorporate into a recreational routine and follow diligently. Various forms of arts and craft have proven to be therapeutic. Spending quality time alone or with friends and family while indulging in drawing, painting, singing, dancing, board games have proved helpful. Watching a television show or movies cannot compensate for these activities since mindful activities are self-healing. They infuse us with positive energy and release stress.
Our mind is our most beautiful and important dwelling and taking optimum care of its health is a sign of a responsible citizen. By being mentally healthy and strong, we are not only helping our own productivity but also society at large, and hence the world. Together we can become safer and stronger societies for future generations to come.
Happy Mental Health Awareness Week to you!
The columnist Rashmi Pitre is an actress, painter and poet, most known for her work in television. She has had 35 painting exhibitions in India, Canada and the USA including Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai. She has an Honours Degree (B.A.) in Ancient Indian Culture from St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai, a Diploma in Original Philosophy of Buddhism and a Diploma in Art Therapy and Life Coaching from the UK.