During fiscal year 2015, Infosys met 29 percent of its electricity needs – about 72.08 million units – for its locations across India through green power. During the same period, Infosys generated over 2911 MWh of electricity through its onsite solar PV installations across India. Krishnan Pallassana, Executive Director, The Climate Group India, said: “We are delighted to welcome an innovative and forward thinking organization such as Infosys into the campaign. We need more companies that are willing to set bold targets and demonstrate the business case for renewable power. India plays a crucial role in sealing a global climate deal and could benefit the most from investing into a low-carbon future, which can generate sustainable and consistent energy for all.”
Damandeep Singh, CDP India Director, said: “Infosys has been a pioneer in embedding sustainability into their business practices and is a leading example of how long-term vision can save company money. RE100 is a perfect fit for this global IT bellwether company. We are proud to welcome them to the community and this will surely inspire others to join.”
Infosys joins some of the world’s most influential companies such as IKEA, Swiss Re, BT, Formula E, H&M, KPN, Mars, Nestlé, Philips, among others, which are taking bold steps to create transformative change needed to drive a clean energy revolution.
RE100 was launched at Climate Week NYC on September 22, 2014. Seventeen companies have now joined the campaign and made a public commitment to become 100% renewable, including founding members IKEA and Swiss Re. As the campaign spreads in India, it is expected that more Indian companies will switch to renewable power and demonstrate the huge opportunity that exists in India’s growing clean economy.