Businesses are known and lauded for their ability to allocate resources in a way that allows them to achieve maximum efficiency. It is this ability which enables them to make huge profits. The idea of CSR is exciting because of the assumption that companies will bring about much development in society by employing this skill in their social initiatives. However, it is disappointing that companies do not always do this. They, in fact, tend to take their social initiatives as a checkbox task that needs to be completed to fulfil their obligations under the Company’s Act.
In the #DeepDive investigation series by The CSR Journal, we have uncovered one such instance in L&T Realty’s CSR, which has led to a complete waste of resources worth Rs. 70 lakhs.
Curb Stones Installed by L&T Realty CSR
The curb stones are meant to protect pedestrians or persons occupying the footpath from the ongoing traffic on the road. They are also meant to give structure to the road. White and blue coloured curb stones made of plastic adorned the roads of Parel earlier this year. But today, they are in a pile of garbage.