February 2, 2025

Responsible Business for Sustainable Agriculture


Agriculture produces food, fuel and fibre. It is key to economic development and poverty alleviation at community, country
and higher levels. As populations continue to grow and people have become wealthier, the global agriculture system has changed significantly to meet increasing demands.
The agriculture sector comprises a diverse collection of actors, with farmers using a range of technologies and operating models, from the very basic to most highly sophisticated, linked by supply chains across the planet and connected to markets and consumers.
Agriculture is core to building a sustainable future – especially to ensure food and nutrition security and for secure livelihoods. Businesses in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) are committed to a sustainable future and are aware of the complex challenges in different local, regional and global contexts to achieving sustainability in agriculture.
The UNGC is facilitating the creation of a set of Sustainable Agriculture Business Principles (SABPs) to provide guidance to all businesses in agriculture value chains, including production, processing, trading, manufacturing, distribution and retailing. The SABPs are being developed through a multi-stakeholder process led by UNGC signatory agri-businesses and including industry associations, civil society, UN agencies and other stakeholders.
UN Global Compact participants in the food and agriculture sector are invited to take an additional, voluntary step to embrace a set of Food and Agriculture Business Principles and report annually on their progress:

1. Aim for Food Security, Health and Nutrition

Businesses should support food and agriculture systems that optimize production and minimize waste, to provide nutrition and promote health for all people

2. Be Environmentally Responsible

Businesses should support sustainable intensification of food systems to meet global needs by managing agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry responsibly. They should protect and enhance the environment.

3. Ensure Economic Viability and Share Value

Businesses should create, deliver and share value across the entire food and agriculture chain from farmers to consumers.

4. Respect Human Rights, Create Decent Work and Help Communities To Thrive

Businesses should respect the rights of farmers, workers and consumers. They should improve livelihoods, promote and provide equal opportunities.

5. Encourage Good Governance and Accountability

Businesses should behave legally and responsibly by respecting land and natural resource rights, avoiding corruption, being transparent about activities and recognizing their impacts.

6. Promote Access and Transfer of Knowledge, Skills and Technology

Businesses should promote access to information, knowledge and skills for more sustainable food and agricultural systems.

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