February 2, 2025

Media Nurturing The Culture Of Giving


With great power, comes great responsibility. The quote cannot be better suited to anyone but Media. Media has become very powerful today in forming opinions of the people. Media has become the platform for the government as well as the opposition to build trusts or destroy them. The citizens rely so much on Media for their information that images have started to matter more than the actions.

With this much power, Media has a huge responsibility to provide the information in an unbiased and accurate manner. It also has a responsibility to influence the society towards a positive and constructive change rather than making them cynical with all the negative politics. CSR is the need of the hour in our nation for economic growth. And Media needs to step up and play its part to not only promote CSR but also contribute towards CSR by using all its power and energy towards social development.

Republic TV has partnered with Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) India, a not for profit organisation to fuel and accelerate the spirit of giving among the citizens of the nation. The channel is committed to the people of the country and will be championing meaningful causes to drive social change.

This partnership is symbolic of the culture of giving that Republic TV and CAF India want to promote, to encourage everyone to give back to the society. Through this collaboration, both partners want to encourage citizens to step forward, contribute and make an impact in their community, whether it is by giving time, money or knowledge.

Arnab Goswami said, “We don’t just believe in giving back to society. We believe in encouraging people to do the same. Being generous brings out the kindest best in people and makes them more empathic. We want to enable the citizens of our nation to experience the satisfaction and joy associated with the spirit of giving.”

The channel has committed to contribute 2 Crore upwards of media assets to promote this initiative.

Meenakshi Batra, CEO CAF India said, “We are very excited about this partnership. India has always had a deep rooted culture of giving. We hope to further nurture this by spreading awareness and encouraging each & every citizen to come forth and become the drivers of strategic giving culture in the country.”

CAF India & Republic Network are working together to build the India Giving Index which will be based on extensive research across the length & breadth of the country. Republic will use its broadcast and digital platforms, along with partner channels to highlight, promote, and celebrate those who are championing the cause of giving and contributing meaningfully to social causes.

The network invites everyone including individuals, NGO’s and corporates to come together and join this giving movement that aims to transform lives and communities.

Thank you for reading the story until the very end. We appreciate the time you have given us. In addition, your thoughts and inputs will genuinely make a difference to us. Please do drop in a line and help us do better.

The CSR Journal Team



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