Children are the hope of a bright and shining future of our country. It is only if we nourish them today, will they turn out to be the responsible citizens who will make us proud tomorrow. India recognizes this and being a welfare state, it launches various initiatives for the benefit of children.
14th November is celebrated as Children’s Day in the country, in the memory of the first Prime Minister of Independent India – Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. On this Children’s Day, let us look at various unique initiatives by the corporates and non-profits of India for children’s welfare.
Yellow Fellow Campaign
Childhood is a precious time for every child. It is important to have a safe and happy childhood in order to ensure healthy growth of mind and body of every child. CRY – Child Rights & You, a leading Indian non-profit organisation working for child rights has just launched a pan-India campaign, #YellowFellow, to celebrate happy childhoods, on the occasion of the Children’s Day. Through this campaign, the organisation invites people from all walks of life to come and celebrate happy childhoods by wearing yellow socks as a gesture of solidarity for children and their right to a happy childhood. In order to participate in the campaign, one needs to wear a pair of yellow socks and post a photo of themselves on their social media; tagging 3 friends to become a #YellowFellow as well.
Here’s another #YellowFellow who believes in every child’s right to a happy childhood! Mamata, this is so amazing!
A big thank you to everyone who is participating in this #CampaignForACause#BecomeAYellowFellow #CelebratingHappyChildhoods #Challenge
— Child Rights and You (@CRYINDIA) November 5, 2019