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March 10, 2025

China’s PLA Conducts Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Drills

The Chinese military has conducted nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) drills using robotic dogs, UAVs and explosive ordinance disposal robots, according to the reports from the official media on Thursday. These NBC defence and emergency rescue exercises were carried out by a brigade attached to the People’s Liberation Army of China.
A state-run CCTV video reportedly featured the deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs and robotic dogs set up for drilling at an unknown location. The brigade fully explored training methods in integrating technology and networked systems. The Chinese state-run Global Times reported that the brigade combined stimulation and practical exercises in creating a multi-role intelligent training field.
“Simulation training enhances the coordination amongst various combat elements, and we have improved and optimised the integration of manned and unmanned tactics and then applied the best combat strategies to exercise for validation,” said Qi Hauli, a member of the brigade.

Unmanned Military Equipment

Unmanned equipment and drones are being increasingly utilised, especially in supportive missions. Drones have significant capabilities to reduce human casualties and increase the effectiveness of combat strategies. Moreover, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) is also becoming a growing trend in defence. Other emerging technologies will also soon be incorporated into the military equipment of countries like China in the near future.

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