It hasn’t been long since the terror of Blue Whale game had taken the teenagers and children across the globe by a storm. In India too several teenagers were victimized by the game and committed suicide. The children are the future of our nation and their safety should be the biggest concern. It does not help in their healthy growth when they do not feel confident enough to confide in their guardians or teachers.
With children spending so much time in the digital space, they are exposed to cyber bullying, shaming and trolling. These, although might seem harmless to some, creates a huge impact on other children. Even the custom of ragging by the seniors or physical abuse can leave them scarred for life. But with the enforcement of strict discipline, the children often do not find it comfortable to confide with their troubles, leaving them even more vulnerable.
Nickelodeon’s, considering the child safety as their primary concern, have set out to curate a behavioral change initiative that inspires and empowers children to “Say no to fear and yes to safety”. The initiative first encourages kids to identify potential risks and reach out to an adult without fear.
“We believe that children are the change agents of society and every child has the right to grow up in a safe environment. We believe that this initiative will give the kids the confidence to speak out,” said Nina Elavia Jaipuria, Business Head, Kids Entertainment Cluster at Viacom18.
This movement is brought to life with child friendly yet impactful on-air video series, reaching out to over 40 million viewers. Addressing the 3 most rampant issues of physical abuse, cyber safety and bullying the videos create awareness and call for kids to seek parental/ adult intervention when faced with any threat. Reaching out and sensitizing parents and gatekeepers, the initiative will also be brought alive online and on social media through a high decibel digital plan that includes interactive posts, pledge posts and downloadables. There will also be short videos by experts and child psychologists on safety tips.
The experts from the NGO Arpan, who has also joined the movement, will engage with kids in schools across the country through an interactive school contact programme. The school outreach will also include sessions that guide teachers and adults on how to manage issues of child safety.
“We have observed that if children are empowered with age-appropriate knowledge and skills they can participate in their own safety. Parents and caregivers, when empowered with knowledge, contribute to making an environment which is vigilant and protective for children.” said Ms Sharalene Moonjely, Director – Public Engagement, Arpan
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai-education department has also supported the movement to extend the school outreach programme across various Mumbai schools.
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