February 3, 2025

Author: Vaibhavi Khanwalkar

Where Does Mumbai’s Sustainable Growth Stand?

July 28 is being observed as World Nature Conservation Day, which stresses on the fact that a healthy environment is the foundation of a stable and progressive society.

Making Reproductive Health Care All-Inclusive

Male involvement in family planning affects and promotes couples’ dialogue regarding gender equality, knowledge about prevention of STDs, contraception and gender based violence.

Take Action Against Poverty: Mandela Day

UN General Assembly launched Mandela Day on July 18 in 2009, to commemorate Nelson Mandela's spirit of servitude. This day is observed in 149 countries.

How Effective Are Mass Plantation Projects?

Sustainability and environment have come to the forefront as a major public concern. It is important to ensure that these major issues are not used as political gimmicks by parties to strengthen their vote banks.

Banks Joining In: Artificial Intelligence

A lot of banks are introducing humanoid robots to answer customer queries in their branches in metro cities, like Bengaluru, New Delhi and Mumbai.

Warriors Of The Greens

The Maharashtra government has launched its project, the Green Army, one of the biggest plantation drives the nation has ever seen. Sudhir Mungantiwar, Minister of Finance and Forest Department, urges people to plant as many as 50 crore plants in the state. All citizens are encouraged to participate in this initiative.

A Step Towards Safety In The Online Sphere

While privacy problems on the internet persist globally, women especially in India feel threatened by cyber offensives and crimes online. Trolling, privacy violation and infiltration are a few among the many concerns shared by the women users of the internet.

Binding Issue Of Heat Wave On The Rise

Due to climate change, the frequency of heat waves has increased in the 21st century, more so in the South Asian countries. India has been very vulnerable in this respect, with Indo-Gangetic plains being largely afflicted.

Yoga At Your Desk: International Yoga Day

Yoga helps in flexibility, stamina, body strength, improving sleep cycle and maintaining mental balance. Way over 4 million people have pledged to make yoga a regular activity in their lives, but more has to be done than signing an online petition.

Alandi To Pandharpur: A Journey Towards Awareness

Since last year, Facebook Dindi started carrying out social awareness campaigns about pressing issues, to initiate discussions through their strong social media presence. This year’s theme is women empowerment.

Growth Of Unconventional Energy Resources In India

The process and benefits of developing solar energy are still not understood by people, which gives rise to hesitation in investment and adaptability. It is a widely unexplored area, which can save money, pollution and can result in greater scientific and economic development.

Make Blood Available And Accessible: World Blood Donor Day

57% of the world’s countries collect blood through unpaid volunteers. Unpaid, voluntary blood donors ensure a standard base and safe blood transfusions, in times of need. One unit of blood can help several patients.

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