Being forced to back out of school at the age of 7, Gazi Jalaludin had a clear mission; no other child should be deprived the power of education. From begging on the streets of Kolkata during his childhood to now being the man responsible for the free education of over 425 underprivileged children in West Bengal, he is a true hero and a person of mettle.
To ensure the inclusion of rural areas and help them understand digital payments meetings at all levels such as branch offices, gram sabhas and gram panchayats so as to ensure they walk in sync with the rest of the nation in financial growth and literacy.
A visit to a government school – Holy Bells School in Hyderabad truly impacted Archana Suresh’s life. A building with abysmal infrastructure, bare access...
After the death of their only child, Nimesh Tanna – a 22 year old photographer, the family chose to honour his legacy in a unique way. The Tanna couple registered the Shri Nimesh Tanna Charitable Trust (SNTCT) with the goal of providing free tiffin service to the needy. The couple has gone from feeding 27 people in a small kitchen to serving 150,000 tiffin’s till date and 100 families per day absolutely free of cost.
Out of the 104 million elderly persons in India; 53 million are females and 51 million males. A report released by the United Nations Population Fund and Help Age India suggests that the number of elderly persons is expected to grow to 173 million by 2026.
The Honourable Supreme Court in its ruling on Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) does not criminalise non-consensual sex, where the woman has been forced into intercourse by her husband. The ruling is flawed, and leaves women and even young girls vulnerable to rape and sexual abuse without any room for legal recourse.
Harsh Mariwala, Chairman of Marico Ltd and Founder, Marico Innovation Foundation (Incepted in 2003, aiming to nurture innovation in India across the business and...
The International treaty of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was amended in 1997 by the Kyoto Protocol. The objective of the...
The Government of Maharashtra (GOM) and 2030 Water Resources Group (2030 WRG), have initiated the Maharashtra Water Resources ‘Multi-Stakeholder Platform’ (Maharashtra Water - MSP) to address critical water resources challenges in Maharashtra.