Healthcare and well-being is an essential pre-requisite for the development of any community. It generates good returns on investments both for human and for...
Global Citizen, a social action platform, and The Global Education and Leadership Foundation (tGELF), launched the Global Citizen India platform. The platform will comprise a distinctive mix...
Tata Steel in collaboration with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) organised an outreach programme with industry experts to deliberate on how...
It is essential to align core and job-specific competencies with values and in turn capture organizational values as core competencies. The same can be...
We need to sensitize corporate towards fulfilling the 2% mandate for Corporate Social Responsibility. In turn, the corporate need to instill a sense of...
The few working areas TATA Capital has identified for their CSR activities are mainly Employability, Healthcare & Sanitation, Education and Environment. Sridhar Sarathy, Senior...
No plan can be executed without considering the needs of beneficiaries who are an important stakeholder. It is crucial to align business practices in...
All stakeholders have to work towards bridging the gap, keeping in mind it is towards the benefit of the beneficiaries. Corporate houses are working...
Dr. Andreas Lauermann, President & MD, Volkswagen India says, “There were a lot of uncertainties in the beginning as to, which activities qualify and...
“The ground reality is largely getting professionals to work in rural areas. Therefore, a mixed staffing process has been implemented of a few professionals...