वसई-विरार को झोपड़पट्टी मुक्त (Vasai Virar Slum Free) बनाने और झोपड़ी धारकों के जीवन स्तर को ऊंचा उठाने के उद्देश्य से Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) द्वारा पुनर्वसन योजना को प्रभावी रूप से लागू करने की दिशा...
महाराष्ट्र सरकार और दक्षिण कोरियाई कंपनी एचएस ह्युसंग एडवांस्ड मटेरियल्स कॉर्पोरेशन के बीच ₹1,740 करोड़ के निवेश को लेकर समझौता हुआ है। इस मौके पर महाराष्ट्र के मुख्यमंत्री देवेंद्र फडणवीस मौजूद रहे। इस समझौते पर उद्योग...
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which expired in 2015, had little impact in accelerating global development efforts. The slow progress of the MDGs, was...
2015 was a watershed year that witnessed 193 nations coming together to form a set of 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) to address contemporary...
India recognizes its growing leadership in tackling global climate change. On the World Environment Day 2018, India committed to eliminate single-use plastic by 2022 and...
Globally, the advent of digitally enabled Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has already been termed as the fastest period of innovation ever. Rapid advancements in...
In 2018, India emerged as the fastest growing major economy in the World. With support from the aggressive service sector, which roughly accounts for...
Climate change is emerging as one of this century's greatest destabilizing forces, undermining the global economy, impacting food and water security, and affecting health...