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March 10, 2025

Author: Hency Thacker

CSR: Climate Change And The Melting Glaciers

It has been recently reported that the south peak of the Sweden’s Kebnekaise mountain has lost its title of the highest point in the...

CSR: A Woman Illtreated In Public In Bihar

A woman in Bihar was allegedly stripped, thrashed, and paraded naked in Bihiya, a small town in Bhojpur district, by a mob on a...

CSR: Tackling The Biomedical Waste In India

World Health Organisation has defined Biomedical waste as ‘Waste generated from hospitals, nursing homes, blood banks and veterinary institutions, including syringes, bandages, amputated body...

CSR: Fighting The Floods

Natural calamity has struck India yet again in form of floods this monsoon season. As reported by the Times of India, Home Ministry data...

CSR: Manual Scavenging in India

Manual Scavenging is the inhuman practice which involves cleaning of human excreta without any personal protective equipment with shoddy tools and most of the...

CSR: India – A ‘Sone Ki Chidiya’

India is a developing country today. However, few centuries ago, it was nicknamed as ‘Sone ki chidiya’. It had everything including agriculture, minerals, nature,...

CSR: Embracing The Eco Ganesha

Ganesha festival is celebrated across India with high fervour. The festival is often more than just a celebration in several communities. The statue of...

CSR: Cooling – A Right Not A Luxury

Global warming has increased the incidents of rising temperatures and heatwaves all over the world. According to a new report released by the UN,...

CSR: Use Of Sex Selection Drugs In India

According to NITI Aayog, there are 940 females for every 1000 males in India. The ratio hasn’t change much in the last 10 years....

CSR: GM Food Crops In India

India is the second most populous country in the world which consists of one fifth of the world’s population. According to a UN report,...

CSR: Improving The Lives Of Senior Citizens

India has always taken pride in its culture and family values. However, it does not necessarily ensure that the senior citizens are looked after...

Work-Life Balance In India V/s the Western Countries

Work-life balance in India is like a dream that has never come true. In the metro cities of India, where people often end up...

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