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March 10, 2025

Axis Bank CSR Report: Creating Sustainable Livelihoods

Axis Bank is a leading private sector bank in India, which commenced its operations with the opening of its first branch in Ahmedabad in April 1994. It focuses its CSR initiatives in creating sustainable livelihood, promoting education and skills development, creating awareness amongst the public at large on public interest topics including financial literacy, facilitating and providing access to formal banking channels for the unbanked and under-banked, promoting environmental sustainability, and supporting health and sanitation initiatives.
Below is the video that highlights the CSR initiatives of Axis Bank Limited.

1. Axis bank CSR

The Bank undertakes its CSR activities through Axis Bank Foundation. The foundation reaches out and impacts the lives of millions of households across rural, suburban and urban India. Its work is around the core theme of ‘Sustainable Livelihoods’ wherein it works towards creating and strengthening rural livelihoods and imparting skilling to youth, including the differently abled, in rural and peri-urban areas.
Axis Bank Foundation works with experienced implementation partners with strong expertise in grassroots developmental solutions. Under its Mission 2 Million, the foundation has committed to supporting 2 million households by 2025, and has adopted a progressive and knowledge‑based approach that is closely aligned to India’s developmental priorities. Currently, the foundation is active in 7,097 villages in 153 districts in 22 states.

2. Axis Bank Foundation (ABF)

Axis Bank Foundation was established in 2006 as a Trust to give strategic direction to the Bank’s CSR aspirations. Since 2012, the Foundation’s activities are focused on the theme of Sustainable Livelihoods, delivered across the two pillars of Rural Livelihoods and Skill Development. Since 2018, the Foundation is pursuing its ambitious ‘Mission 2 Million’ commitment of supporting 2 million households in India by March 2027 under Sustainable Livelihoods. Under the Mission 2 Million, ABF’s interventions have impacted 1.7 million participants across 18 states and union territories as on March 31, 2024. In the last financial year, it reached 0.38 million participants.

3. Project Axis Dil Se

Axis Dil Se’ – Connecting Remote Communities is an ambitious initiative launched by Axis Bank in FY 2017-18 towards promoting inclusive growth in India’s remote borders through education to create an enduring change. Under the programme, the Bank undertook the transformation of over 100 primary schools in the remote villages in Leh and Kargil districts in the Union Territory of Ladakh over a period of three years, and joined hands with its local implementation partner, 17000 ft. Foundation.

In the first year of the project, playground equipment was set up in the ‘DilSe’ schools as well as libraries in these schools were refurbished to include age appropriate books that aided in inculcating a reading habit. In addition to this, a Central Library in Leh called the ‘The Next Chapter’ was inaugurated, where children come to read books and take part in various non-curricular activities that are conducted there.
In the second year of the project, ‘DigiLabs’, an innovative digital learning intervention comprising tablets with curated educational content and completely powered by solar energy were set up in the schools. Additionally, training was provided to the teachers to effectively utilise Digilabs.
In the third and final year of our DilSe intervention in Ladakh, age-appropriate classroom furniture was installed and learning material was provided to the supported schools. Significantly, the phase includes integration of Aanganwadi centres (Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) centres) with an aim to enhance the learning levels of the children coming to these Aanganwadis. An important aspect of the intervention is imparting training to teachers, Aanganwadi workers and the villagers, for effective utilisation of the Centres by all stakeholders. In addition to this, block-level training was conducted for headmasters and DigiLabs administrators to enable them to effectively use DigiLab.
The Axis DilSe Programme has been lauded by the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council, which aims to use the programme as a template for scaling up the development of other schools and Aanganwadi centres in the Union Territory.
As a result of the success of Axis DilSe in Leh, the program was expanded to India’s Eastern borders as well as its remotest interiors. The program’s influence was extended to encompass the Northeast and conflict- affected border states and into the interiors of Odisha, reaching 52 schools through various interventions.
In FY24, Axis DilSe benefitted over 21868 children across 8 states in India.

4. The Sustainable Livelihood Programme (SLP)

The Sustainable Livelihood Programme (SLP) was initiated in 2011 to address the pressing challenges of economic exclusion in rural India. Lack of adequate and sustainable incomes is an outcome of smaller land holdings, landlessness, depleting natural resources, lack of access to knowledge and capital, and so on.
SLP is designed to create a basket of livelihoods for small, marginal farmers and landless communities across rural India. The programme opens access to scalable solutions together with the promotion of capacity building, restoration, governance, infrastructure development, and linkages and facilitation that lead to multiple income opportunities for some of India’s most marginalised rural communities. Alternative livelihoods stabilise income for a rural family, reducing distress migration, increasing asset base, and giving families the opportunity to spend on education and medical expenses.
These need-based initiatives are undertaken in collaboration with NGO partners, government departments and community institutions, while taking into consideration local knowledge. The programme’s vision is to create resilient communities, with self-sustaining ecosystems that are managed by the very people they benefit and is implemented by Axis Bank Foundation. The Foundation has been building lasting value in rural communities across 26 states, promoting inclusivity and collaboration. Its vision to build a conducive livelihood ecosystem through community interventions has strengthened penetration into rural geographies and deepened our understanding of rural India. This understanding is important to take informed decisions and undertake sustainable initiatives.

5. Financial Literacy

Vulnerable sections such as marginalised women, small and marginal farmers, agricultural labourers, migrant workers are largely excluded from the banking system due to lack of awareness/financial literacy. Axis Bank considers it its responsibility to empower communities and support the country in becoming financially stronger. Through various interventions, the Bank raises awareness among economically weaker sections about the formal financial products and services available to them. Some of the key interventions include:

5.1 Axis FLY

In today’s era of innovation, financial awareness is imperative for young professionals. Unfortunately, this awareness is often lacking among this demographic. To bridge this gap, Axis Bank has collaborated with the National Institute of Securities Market (the educational arm of SEBI) to promote saving and investing awareness among students through the Axis FLY programme (Financial Literacy for Youth). Targeting colleges and recent graduates, especially from Tier II and III cities, the programme has already reached 38,000 participants in ~400 colleges across 18 states of the country.

5.2 Axis Sachetna

Axis Sachetna aims to empower women in rural and urban areas facing social and economic challenges, exacerbated by the lingering effects of COVID-19. Led by Axis Bank’s Micro Finance Team, the programme conducts nationwide training sessions, educating millions of women on personal finance management, healthcare, and government schemes such as the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) and Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY).

5.3 Shiksha se Samriddhi – Financial Empowerment in Aspirational Districts

This initiative, in partnership with Micro Save Consulting, aims to expand access to mainstream banking services and encourage the adoption of relevant financial products and services. Through this initiative, the bank aims to foster new livelihood opportunities and enhance the financial well-being of individuals and families. This year, we reached approximately 10,000 beneficiaries in Jaipur, Odisha, and Muzaffarpur, Bihar, contributing to our mission of inclusive financial empowerment.

5.4 Supporting Financial Literacy to Underserved Communities

In collaboration with the Kalanjiam Foundation, the Bank is extending financial literacy to underserved populations outside the formal financial system. Through the SCRIPT (Savings, Credit, Remittances/ Payments, Investments/Insurance, Pension/Transactions Including Digital Banking) framework, individuals are educated on financial goal setting, planning, and budgeting. This initiative aims to reach 7 lakh individuals in 71 blocks, across 21 districts in 8 states: Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. This year alone, the Bank has engaged with ~1.2 lakh participants in 50 blocks, 14 districts in 5 states, contributing
to enhanced financial awareness and inclusion.

6. Mission 2 Million Trees by 2027 and Beyond

Axis Bank is committed to planting 2 million trees by 2027, in collaboration with trusted partners across key regions. This initiative aligns with India’s carbon sink goals under the Paris Agreement, aiming to enhance the country’s green cover, while reducing the Bank’s carbon footprint. The bank has expanded its commitment to habitat restoration through programmes focusing on mangrove habitat restoration in Tamil Nadu, habitat restoration and agroforestry in Assam, mitigation restoration in Madhya Pradesh. Through these initiatives, it aims to plant an additional 1.5 million trees by 2027. As on March 31, 2024, 1.33 million saplings have been planted across India towards creating a carbon sink.

7. Strengthening Cancer Care in India

According to the Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN), there were 19.3 million new cancer cases worldwide in 2020, and India ranks third after China and the US in cancer incidence. It is predicted that by 2040, cancer cases in India will increase to 2.08 million, registering a 57.5% rise from 2020. In 2022 alone, India saw an estimated 1,461,427 new cancer cases, with a crude rate of 100.4 per 100,000. Approximately one in nine individuals in India is at risk of developing cancer in their lifetime. Lung and breast cancers are the most common types among men and women, respectively. Understanding these alarming statistics, the Bank has resolved to enhance the standards of cancer care in the country.
The Bank has committed ₹100 crores over 5 years to the National Cancer Grid (NCG), the largest network of 300+ cancer care centres in India, in order to enhance standards of cancer care. The network is coordinated by the Tata Memorial Hospital, a constituent of the Tata Memorial Centre. Proposed solutions, aligned with near-term and long-term priorities, aim to significantly impact end-to-end cancer care.


The Axis Bank believes in empowering rather than helping while conducting its CSR initiatives.In FY24, Axis Bank spent Rs. 269 Cr. on its CSR initiatives, positively impacting the lives of over 15 lakh people.

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