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March 10, 2025

Navigating India’s Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Act: Laws, Provisions, and Considerations in Light of Sidhu Moosewala’s Parents’ IVF Pregnancy

The recent birth of a baby boy to the parents of Sidhu Moosewala has thrust the spotlight onto the legal intricacies and ethical considerations surrounding In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments in India. The Union Health Ministry’s request to the Punjab government for a detailed report on Charan Kaur’s IVF treatment has ignited a debate on the legal status of the newborn child, especially considering Kaur’s age at the time of the procedure and the regulations stipulated under the ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) Act, 2021.
The case revolves around Charan Kaur, who underwent IVF treatment at the age of 58, seeking to conceive a child with her husband, Balkaur, nearly two years after the tragic loss of their only son, who was murdered in 2022. The controversy stems from the fact that Kaur’s age exceeds the upper limit of 50 prescribed by the ART Act for women undergoing ART procedures in India.
The Union Health Ministry’s intervention, prompted by media reports, underscores the need for adherence to the regulatory framework governing assisted reproductive technologies.
In response to the scrutiny, Dr. Rajni Jindal, an IVF specialist at Jindal Heart and Infertility Institute in Bathinda, where the child was born, has asserted compliance with legal requirements. Dr. Jindal clarified that Charan Kaur had already conceived before seeking treatment at their facility, and the birth of the child was facilitated following proper procedures and documentation.
However, the controversy has led to allegations of harassment by Balkaur, who expressed frustration with the inquiries from the authorities.

Understanding India’s Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Act

The ART Act, enacted in 2021, aims to ensure the safe and ethical practice of ART procedures while safeguarding the interests of all parties involved. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) encompasses a range of procedures aimed at helping individuals conceive a child when natural conception proves challenging.

Key Provisions of the ART Act

1. Regulation of ART Clinics: The ART Act mandates the registration and accreditation of all ART clinics operating in India. These clinics are required to comply with prescribed standards regarding infrastructure, equipment, and expertise to ensure the provision of safe and effective ART services.
2. Age Limit for Women: One of the central provisions of the ART Act pertains to the age limit for women seeking ART services. According to the Act, women between the ages of 21 and 50 are eligible to undergo ART procedures. This age restriction is aimed at safeguarding the health and well-being of both the woman and the potential child.
3. Consent Requirements: The ART Act emphasizes the importance of informed consent from all parties involved in ART procedures. Patients must be fully informed about the nature of the procedures, potential risks, and alternatives before providing consent. Additionally, the Act prohibits the commercialization of human embryos and ensures that individuals cannot be coerced or exploited into participating in ART treatments.
4. Embryo Protection: The ART Act outlines stringent guidelines for the handling and storage of human embryos to prevent misuse and ensure their protection. ART clinics are required to maintain accurate records of all embryos and adhere to prescribed protocols for their storage, use, and disposal.
5. Surrogacy Regulations: While the ART Act primarily focuses on ART procedures for infertility treatment, it also addresses the practice of surrogacy. The Act prohibits commercial surrogacy and stipulates that surrogacy arrangements must be altruistic in nature, with the surrogate mother undertaking the pregnancy out of compassion rather than for financial gain.

Exceptions and Considerations

While the ART Act establishes clear guidelines for the practice of ART in India, certain exceptions and considerations may apply in specific circumstances. For example:
1. Medical Exceptions: In cases where there are compelling medical reasons, such as premature ovarian failure or cancer treatment affecting fertility, exceptions to the age limit may be considered under the guidance of medical professionals and regulatory authorities.
2. Research and Innovation: The ART Act recognizes the importance of scientific research and innovation in advancing reproductive medicine. However, any research involving ART procedures must adhere to ethical principles and regulatory oversight to ensure the safety and well-being of participants.
3. International Collaborations: With the globalization of healthcare services, Indian patients may seek ART treatments abroad, where regulations and practices may differ. In such cases, it is essential for individuals to be aware of the legal and ethical implications of undergoing ART procedures in foreign countries and to ensure compliance with Indian regulations upon their return.

Ensuring Safety and Ethical Practice

The implementation of the ART Act is vital for ensuring the safety, efficacy, and ethical practice of ART procedures in India. Regulatory authorities, including the National Board for Regulation and Supervision of ART Clinics (NABHART), play a crucial role in monitoring compliance with the Act and enforcing standards across ART clinics nationwide.


The case of Sidhu Moosewala’s parents underscores broader issues surrounding IVF laws and practices in India. While advancements in reproductive technologies offer hope to countless couples struggling with infertility, they also raise complex ethical dilemmas regarding age limits, consent, and regulatory oversight.
As the investigation unfolds, it is imperative for authorities to ensure transparency, fairness, and adherence to legal standards. Moreover, this case serves as a reminder of the pressing need for continuous evaluation and refinement of existing laws to address emerging challenges and uphold the rights and welfare of all stakeholders involved in assisted reproduction.

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