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March 11, 2025

5 NGOs in Gujarat working to improve the lives of people

NGOs or non government organizations go to the grassroots to help the needy and poor people. Such NGOs focus on children’s education, getting them vocational training so that they can lead a better life and leave behind this life of poverty. NGOs also help the handicapped people to get the right equipment like wheelchair, crutches that help them to lead a normal life. Then there are others that work specially towards the welfare of women.
These NGOs work in specific geographical locations, ensuring that they can spread out and help as many needy as possible. Gujarat is a big state and there are many areas that need focussed attention of the government as well as non government collaborations for the welfare of the residents. Here are some NGOs working in Gujarat to improve the lives of the residents.

Madhuram Charitable Trust

Founded by Shraddha Soparkar, an entrepreneur and a mother of a specially gifted child, Madhuram works towards the welfare of children with special needs. She founded this company in 2018, when she saw many poor people struggling to get meals for the family and therapy for the special member.
The trust has helped over 800 children with their therapy needs and has also helped over 100 children stand back on their feet with the help of prosthetic legs. With a target to help 500 differently-able children, women and men get back to walking comfortably, Madhuram does complete hand holding for such beneficiaries.
Their CSR partnership programs help these children, as the money raised is utilised for their benefit. They are about to build Gujarat’s first Aqua Therapy centre, which will be a big boon for those with special needs.

Saath (Initiatives for Equity in Development)

Saath, based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, was founded way back in 1989 and was registered as a Public Charitable Trust. It works closely with deprived and marginalized communities and enables them to get out of the vicious circle of poverty by providing them with livelihood opportunities, training and teaching them vocational skills that will lead to employment, better health and higher level of education.
With a focus on child rights, human rights and girl’s education, the volunteers here will leave no stone unturned to ensure help reaches those who need it the most.

Shree Navchetan Andhjan Mandal

This is possibly Gujarat’s one of the oldest NGOs, as it was established in 1976, to support the visually impaired people. It helped families where the visually impaired member had a chance to get the vision back, and lead a normal, independent life. After the Gujarat earthquake in 2001, a lot of senior citizens were left with no family members, so a facility was developed for them from 2003.

Samerth Charitable Trust

This NGO is two decades old and has worked tirelessly to enable the marginalised and backward communities to be included in the society and give them economic dignity. They collaborate with government programmes, which helps them to broaden their reach and impact.
They have been a popular choice for donation by institutes, corporates and generous individuals, which has helped them steer their mission in the right direction and help as many as possible.

Aadhar education and charitable trust

Aadhar education works relentlessly to help women in the field of education. It also creates awareness about environment through tree plantation drives and spreading information about paper recycling system.
It undertakes activities like kite flying, garba nights and Independence Day functions to raise funds. They provide healthy and nutritious food to sick and poor people. They also focus on road safety, and spread awareness by distributing pamphlets.





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