February 2, 2025

Gross National Sustainability, Anyone?


Listening to a proud PM of Bhutan talk of his country during the opening ceremony of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2015, it almost felt as if one was listening to the very definition of ‘Sustainability Uptopia’. Next to the Indian Prime Minister, it was Bhutan’s PM Tshering Tobgay who received an overwhelming applause for his speech at the ceremony. ‘Bhutan is open for business,’ said Mr. Tobgay, ‘But only for businesses that are clean, green and sustainable. This is why we seek investments in renewable energy and hydropower, organic farming and high end tourism, information technology and education. So if you are interested in business with values, in the business of Gross National Happiness then I am interested in meeting you.’ Almost as if in response to the UN General Secretary Ban Ki Moon and US Secretary of State John Kerry, who had both expressed concerns on Climate Change and reiterated the need for sustainable development, Mr. Tobgay succeeded in presenting Bhutan as an exemplary solution to a common Global crisis.

‘Let me introduce my country’ said Mr. Tobgay, and went on to present an impressive portrayal of Bhutan’s sustainability model. ‘Our economy may be small, but we have used our limited resources wisely. Healthcare for example, is completely free. And so is education. Our many fast flowing rivers are a source of clean renewable energy. And as for agriculture, 95% of our farming is natural or fully organic. We have achieved economic growth, but without destroying our pristine environment. 72% of our country is under forest cover. More than half of our country is protected as National Park and Wildlife Sanctuaries. And we have promised to be carbon neutral for all time to come. We have achieved social progress but without undermining our rich culture and heritage. Our traditions are not just surviving, they are thriving. We are flourishing’ declared a beaming Bhutan PM.

Photo credit: www.vibrantgujarat.com
Photo credit: www.vibrantgujarat.com

Taking a page out of Bhutan’s book of Gross National Happiness – which they define as a unique development philosophy that strives to balance material growth with inclusiveness, sustainability and good governance – can India too imbibe this concept of development with values?

When it was his turn to speak, the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi said ‘The ultimate objective is welfare of all. I am sure that all of us, from the Secretary-General of UN, to the President of World Bank, from the leaders of the strongest economies to the delegations of the smaller countries from CEOs of Fortune 500 companies to start up entrepreneurs all want the Planet Earth to become a better place to live.’

And he continued his speech making several references to the Government’s commitment towards sustainable development with confident declarations that would sound like music to any green enthusiast & sustainable business. ‘The process of development, we are talking of (is) not incremental, we are planning to take a quantum leap. It is not limited to one sector or region, it is truly unlimited. And we want to do things in a cleaner and greener way. We are open to ideas, investments and innovations.’

When the Bhutan PM spoke, he spoke with such flourish and pride because he knows that his country has achieved and is able to sustain a life and development model that the whole world truly seeks – sustainable growth and Gross National Happiness! When the PM of India speaks, he too seems to impart a similar sense of declaration and pride, which is assuring. Modi has described the Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2015 as ‘Davos in action’. Here’s hoping that the action and deliverables that come out of the Summit and all the policies being announced by the Indian Government lead India towards an ever increasing Gross National Sustainability. I bet the Bhutan’s PM Tshering Tobgay would say ‘Tashi Delek’ to that.


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